​​​Copies of Reports:  $5.00

Copies of Pictures:  $25.00


For Records information

call 618-997-6541 Ext. 1308

Please come in no later than a half-hour before we close to allow enough time to assist you.

Please come in no later than a half-hour before we close to allow enough time to assist you.

 We are closed on most legal holidays, including: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, New Year's Day 


Williamson County Sheriff's Office

Civil Process FEES

The Records Unit is designed to retain various pieces of data including incident reports, traffic tickets and inmate jail files.  The records are for the use of the public, law enforcement agencies and the courts.

The Records Unit is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Williamson County Sheriff's Office
404 N. Van Buren
Marion, IL  62959
Tx:  618-997-6541
Office Fax:  618-998-2296
Dispatch Fax:  618-997-1301


Acceptable Payment:

Cash / Check / Money Order

For civil process information

call 618-997-6541 Ext. 1303

Jeff Diederich, Sheriff

We DO NOT bill for service.  Services must be paid up front.  Please follow the fee schedule listed below.  Send your check or Money order, made payable to the

Williamson County Sheriff's Office,  with you paper(s) for service.  Also, if paper(s) are a Williamson County case, they will be sent to the court file (unless a return envelope is enclosed) after service.  If paper(s) are from any other county, please send a self addressed and stamped return envelope.  

Please remember that the Sheriff's Fees are per defendant.